
As a Realtor sometimes I get to participate in some very complex problems and issues arising from tenancies. I have some experience from being a landlord myself and have helped my clients in guiding them to get proper resources in dealing with tenancies. I am not a licenced property manager so I’m not an expert in this field that’s why I strongly recommend and warn you to do your own research before you commit to being a landlord. Whether you are a tenant or landlord it’s very important to know the rules of the game. My assumption is that majority of landlords are honest, decent and responsible people. I also assume the same great qualities apply to the tenants. Of course there are small groups of people that play outside of the norm and don’t play by the rules and that’s why it’s important to familiarize yourself with the rules of the game if you intend to participate.

I understand that the tenancy act appears at first to be very complex but when you look deeper it’s actually very easy to understand and there are simple rules to follow based on the principle of “just do the right thing”

Here’s a brief summary of new rules that came into effect on July 1, 2021.

How can a landlord increase rent? Currently due to factors such as current health crisis the government has put a freeze on rent increases until December 31, 2021. So legally you can’t increase rent this year. The maximum allowable rent increase for next year will be publicly announced at the end of the summer.

What if you evicted your tenant so you can do some renovations and then rent it out to a new tenant at a higher market rent? This is referred commonly as a “Renoviction”. This is a very hot topic and I feel that it needs to be analyzed in depth to make sure you understand it clearly.

As of July 1, 2021 under new legislation if a landlord wants to end a tenancy for extensive renovations the landlord will have to apply for “order of possession” from the Residential Tenancy Branch. There will be a process of dispute resolution where an arbitrator will decide if ending the tenancy is the only way to complete this work.

The most important factor is to prove that the renovation you’re trying to do will require the tenant to move out. Simple replacing of kitchen cabinets, installation of flooring, or painting is considered cosmetic repairs and do not constitute as “extensive” repairs.

“Section 49.2 of the Residential Tenancy Act establishes four basic requirements to end a tenancy for renovations or repairs:

  1. the landlord has all the necessary permits and approvals required by law and intends in good faith to renovate or repair the rental unit(s) 
  2. the renovations or repairs require the unit(s) to be vacant
  3. the renovations or repairs are necessary to prolong or sustain the use of the rental unit(s) or the building where the rental unit(s) are located
  4. the only reasonable way to achieve the necessary vacancy is to end the tenancy agreement

If the above requirements are met, a landlord can apply to the RTB (Residential Tenancy Branch) for an order of possession to end a tenancy. There will be a hearing where the landlord and tenant can provide their evidence and the arbitrator will make a decision. 

After July 1, 2021 the only reason a landlord can serve a Four Month Notice to End Tenancy is:

  1. convert the residential property to strata lots under the Strata Property Act;
  2. demolish the rental unit;
  3. convert the residential property into a not for profit housing cooperative under the Cooperative Association Act;
  4. convert the rental unit for use by a caretaker, manager or superintendent of the residential property; or
  5. convert the rental unit to a non-residential use.”

The violation of laws by the tenant under normal circumstances could result in termination of lease and/or losing your damage deposit. In my next article I would like to address this in more detail.
The landlord has more to lose however because if the landlord is found in violation of rules can face a penalty of up to 12 months of rent to be payable to the tenant. That can be a big hit to some people, and sometimes it’s the only way of getting rid of an undesirable tenant.

There is no way around rules and some of the most common scenarios won’t be acceptable, like:

  1. A landlord ends a tenancy to occupy the rental unit and then changes their mind.
  2. A landlord ends a tenancy to renovate the rental unit but did not adequately budget for the renovations and cannot complete them because they run out of funds.

If you need further information I highly recommend going to the government website (link provided below). It contains all the information that you need.

We are in a housing crisis and avoiding the subject won’t solve the problem. Shelter is the basic human need as shown in the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, and I feel it’s very important to treat it as such.
I strongly believe that education and free information is a step in the right direction. The Residential Tenancy Branch offers a lot of help to both tenants and landlords before problems arise, I highly suggest you contact them directly. They are very helpful and professional.

Being a landlord is hard because you bought an investment that cost you a lot of money and in some circumstances the financing for your home was subject to you having a rented unit to supplement your mortgage payments. You are financially, emotionally and physically attached to your property. This may be just an investment but you want to rent it out to someone that will take care of it as much as you would. This is a trap that will get every landlord in trouble. Tenants don’t have these bonds as you do and having the expectation of tenants to care as much about your property as you do, is simply just not realistic. Spare yourself some nerves, tears and disappointments. Just don’t expect your tenant to be like you. Most tenants are very decent people and they will treat your property as what it is, YOUR property.
Not every tenant is a low-life with a low paying job, or a young person that is starting out in life. Today a lot more people are choosing to be tenants. Being a home owner when you look just at the numbers have been wonderful and a guaranteed “win” especially if you base your opinion on the last 40 years or longer. The question remains if this trend will continue and what is the true cost of owning a home today. Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe that owning is better than renting BUT not always, and not in every market. I believe in analyzing your budget, having long term goals and planning your future carefully. The constant balance between supply and demand of housing is what dictates the prices and also vacancy rates of rental units. We have been very fortunate that the constant influx of new immigrants and high demand for housing has been very favorable to home owners. As long as this continues things will be just peachy.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at home at

250-285-2141 I’m here to serve you better.

Roman Krzaczek REALTOR ®


June in Real Estate

June in Real Estate:

Craziest thing happened: a client of mine wanted to invest in Bitcoin. The bank loaned him $320,000 of his $400,000 purchase; he just had to come up with the $80,000, and then he owned $400,000 worth of Bitcoin! Can you believe they loaned him the money at 2.75% interest?! Crazy! His monthly payment on that loan with fees was about $1600, but then he rented the Bitcoin out to people for $2,400/mo, and made $800 each month and still got to keep his Bitcoin!! Even though he didn't own it free and clear, he was still able to charge other people to use his Bitcoin every month! 

At tax time, he was able to write off any interest he paid on his taxes, and depreciate his asset on his taxes to wipe out any gains, and he even got a 100% guarantee that there will be a demand for his asset as long as he owns it!!

Can you believe that; an asset that goes up in value AND that allows you to cashflow while you hold it??

Oh wait, I misunderstood his story. That wasn't Bitcoin, it was Real Estate... 

You can’t do this with any other asset class. Real Estate rules!


The Vancouver Island Real Estate Board’s latest report indicates that “inventory is rising slightly, which opens up a few more opportunities for buyers, but it is still historically tight on Vancouver Island. Although active listings of single-family homes dropped by two per cent from May, condo apartment and row/townhouse inventory rose by 16 and 23 per cent, respectively. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) forecasts that market conditions may begin to even out somewhat by the end of the year. However, it would take approximately 2,500 new listings in the VIREB area to create an actual balanced market if activity continues at this pace. More inventory is certainly good news for buyers, even if the increases are slight,” says 2021 VIREB president Ian Mackay. “We’re also relieved to see a few more conditional offers again, which means the frenzied fear-of-missing-out mentality is tempering a bit.”

In Campbell River, the benchmark price of a single-family home hit $627,600 in June, up by 29 per cent from the previous year.

This morning- July 05, as I write this article, I checked the MLS to see what’s happening locally (as I do every single day). I’m noticing lately more and more price reductions on listings in our area. This could be an indication of the market finding its new normal. The price decreases are minor however and are usually used to refresh the listings and get more buyers’ attention.


According to the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver monthly report for June,
Metro Vancouver’s housing market sets a steady, calmer pace to begin the summer season.
“Metro Vancouver’s housing market continues to experience strong seller’s market conditions, although the intensity of demand has eased from what we saw throughout most of the spring,” Keith Stewart, REBGV economist said. “The past two months have shown a market that’s shifting toward more historically typical conditions.” This is making multiple offers less common, allowing subjects to be seen on offers more frequently again, and is making new price records less likely.”

Sales of detached homes in June 2021 reached 1,262, a 45.7 per cent increase from the 866 detached sales recorded in June 2020. The benchmark price for detached properties is $1,801,100. This represents a 22 per cent increase from June 2020 and is virtually unchanged from May 2021.


Calgary’s housing market is showing few signs of letting up, as sales reached 2,915 units in June – a record high for the month. “It is taking time for supply to catch up with the demand in the market,” said CREB® chief economist Ann-Marie Lurie.

“Through the early spring market, many buyers did not have a lot of choice, but the recent improvements in supply are providing more options for those purchasers and supporting the strong sales we continue to see in June. At the same time, gains in inventory are taking some pressure off the market as it starts to trend towards more balanced conditions.”

The unadjusted detached benchmark price totalled $537,200 in June, nearly one per cent higher than last month and 13 per cent higher than last year’s levels.


The Toronto Regional Real Estate Board hasn’t posted their monthly report yet for some reason so I can’t provide you with accurate information but from what I’m reading and talking to agents in the region the same trend is happening there as well. In fact, the market slowdown has started in Toronto 3 months ago and it’s been gradually showing the same across the country.

Why is the market cooling? In my opinion, it is most likely the fact that the economy and travelling is opening up again and a lot of people don’t want to spend time and money on moving. A lot of people will choose to enjoy a trip to places like Quadra Island and Cortes Island to enjoy the tranquil nature and… no traffic (except the ferry traffic). I feel blessed and fortunate to live here during these difficult times. It has given me a renewed perspective on life and the appreciation for the little things in life. I appreciate all the tourists that are coming to visit our “rock” and support our small businesses. It is truly helping our community and I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking that. If you are a visitor here to our beautiful Quadra Island- Thank you! We appreciate YOU.

If you are interested in information about real estate in the area, contact me directly at home @ 250-285-2141. I network with lot of agents across the country and in the USA. I can help you to connect with great agents in your area and make your move easier. Visit my website for lots of interesting resources:

Enjoy the sun everyone!

Roman Krzaczek REALTOR ®

Home number: 250-285-2141

for more articles visit 

the "Discovery Islander" local paper where I write an article every two weeks.


Why hiring a REALTOR® will make your life easier

Why hiring a REALTOR will make your life easier.

I believe in education and sharing information freely for the benefit of the public. A lot of people seem confused or just don’t understand what we actually do and I would like to shed some light on the topic.

What do real estate agents actually do?

We write contracts, negotiate a price and terms for our clients, advise/ give opinion, we constantly educate ourselves and our clients. We spend nights worrying and re-reading contracts, constantly anticipating what could go wrong and how to protect our clients if it does. We do a lot of free work and are the last ones in a transaction to be paid. The assumptions of big egos, big paycheques and fancy cars often take the centre stage; however, there are a lot of activities happening behind the scenes the public doesn’t see.

Our license is issued by the province of BC titled “Real Estate trading services”. The license needs to be renewed every 2 years upon completion of several mandatory Professional Development courses, be in good standing (no criminal record) and of course pay the fee.

Many people will be surprised, even some agents, that being a real estate agent requires much less sales than most people assume. As agents, we owe our clients a Fiduciary Duty which means that legally we must take our client’s interest as the highest priority, even if that means a loss of our own earnings. When you go to buy a car for example, the sales person owes you NO duty to protect your interest. The sales person will simply match your needs with their inventory.

When you hire an agent, the agent is working for you to make sure you can buy or sell your property in a safe and legal way and that you know as much about the property as possible.

There are 4 basic duties Realtors owe to the public:

Loyalty- a realtor’s duty to their client is to be loyal to them and avoid conflict of interest. If your listing agent tells you he/she already has clients to buy your house, it may sound enticing but it’s a big red flag. You have to wonder who the agent works for. Are they working for you to get the best deal or the buyer? The agent is supposed to be working only for your benefit.

Full Disclosure- your realtor is supposed to always tell you EVERYTHING that he/she knows about the transaction, the property and the market.

Avoid Conflict of Interest- this can be very tricky especially in a small community when an agent knows both the seller and the buyer. The question is always the same- who is the agent working for. Recent rule changes allow agents to represent only one party to the deal. It is easy to get carried away as we naturally want to help people. However, when I am selling a property for a client and a buyer calls me to ask if I can show the property, I will advise them to arrange the showing with their own realtor and I will make sure they understand who I represent OR do what my client advises.

Confidentiality- When we represent a seller or a buyer, same rule applies. We cannot share information about our client’s motivation or anything private unless our client allows us to do so in writing. Even after the transaction is complete, private information should remain confidential.

In our industry there is now more than ever before more emphasis on ethics and protocols to protect the public from predatory behaviours of agents. For example, we are not allowed to ask you any personal questions until we give you 2 forms called “Disclosure of Representation” and “Disclosure of Privacy”. It makes it awkward and unnatural as a conversation starter but in order for us to be fully compliant with the rules we have to do it that way. Both of these forms basically inform you of all the things I have just written in this article. 

Any agent these days needs to be also connected and fluent in technology. According to statistics, 90% of buyers find their new home online. The majority of marketing of your home is done online and virtually all the due-diligence is done online as well.
When hiring an agent, think about how busy the agent is and how much time they will dedicate to you. How many clients is the agent working with right now? Do you want to be the 4th client or do you deserve to have the full attention of your agent?

Don’t be afraid of your Realtor! Ask us questions, talk to us. Vast majority of agents are good people that very much care about their clients. I obviously can’t speak for all agents out there but I know a lot of agents and they all show a high degree of morals and caring. What attracted me to this industry is that I can help more people with some of the most important investments of their lives and it is an honour to be part of the process.

Quick Market update:

Vancouver is seeing a market shift already. When a listing is priced well it will show fairly quick but the average days on market has gone closer to 35 days now. In some cases, sellers receive no offers in the first 2-3 weeks. I was convinced that the hot market would continue into the summer and in some regions it's still the case. Locally in the Campbell River area or the North Island things seem to continue to sizzle. Quadra Island listings are mostly over a $1mil these days. Not much is available for less than a million.

If you’re thinking of selling, NOW is probably the best time. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at 250-285-2141. I’m here to serve you better.

Roman Krzaczek


I have sold a property at 2 620 Helanton Rd in Quathiaski Cove
I have sold a property at 2 620 Helanton Rd in Quathiaski Cove.
Custom built, Meticulously finished gorgeous home with views. It feels like you're in a treehouse among the treetops soaring with eagles. This bareland strata lot is located in the prestigious Whiskey Point Estates on Quadra Island. 0.50 acre lot, built in 2018, with 1960sf of artistic design and functionality. A Must see.

Trends in Buyer's needs

Sales is as much of an art as it is science and I love both sides of it. The art aspect is being able to use more of your intuition to figure out solutions and the science part is when we ask relevant questions.
What I find very interesting is the study of human behaviour on why we behave in certain ways. When it comes to purchasing just about anything, we fully engage with our emotions. That’s why stock brokers always repeat to stick with your plan, have a sell-stop or stop limit and be disciplined with your strategy for that very reason. It’s nerve-racking to buy a stock you know for sure will go up and watch it go down. If you are a geek like me who loves to analyze numbers, you will appreciate the next bit of this article.

What is the number one reason home buyers are moving farther away from the big cities? It surely can’t be because they want to spend more time in traffic.

This health emergency we are still facing has sure tested my own believes in what is truly important to me and many other people I know. There was a case study done in the US based on 1200 respondents who plan to buy a home within the next 12 months. The study was to analyze the most frequent keyword searches on website from January through May 31, 2021. The results indicate the most important home feature for buyers are:

 #1- a quiet location, #2- updated kitchen, #3- garage and large backyard, #4- outdoor living areas, #5- spaces for pets. Additional square footage of flexible space that can be reconfigured for different needs has also risen in importance.

The hyper competitive market has left a lot of buyers re-evaluate their needs as well. Fewer people have searched for short commutes and smaller homes. Seems like people don’t care as much about “remodeled” homes, granite countertops and media rooms. The least searched key words were man caves, pools, guesthouses, in-law suites and new construction. My guess is that most of those are probably driven by the cost of housing.

One common threat that’s clearly visible is that more buyers are looking to relocate to live closer to their families, or even move into the same household together. About one fifth of buyers are seeking to share their homes with members of their extended family.

Numbers don’t lie (if the study is done right and there is no hidden agenda) that’s why it’s a great measuring stick to be able to compare relative items together. I’m not sure if you’re aware but there’s a pretty cool tool online called “google trends”. Just go to this website:

 I’ve used it for many years to see trends in google search patterns. Everything we do online is recorded and some of that data we can access for free.  If you type in Quadra Island for example you’ll see that most searches on google about Quadra island came from geographical location of British Columbia, second was Alberta and third was Ontario. Most searched topics about Quadra Island was: camping- about 80%; followed by /my favourite/- REAL ESTATE (40%). You can also add search criteria to see how Cortes Island compares with Quadra searches. Same geographical locations are shown in different order #1 BC, #2 Ontario, and #3 Alberta. Unfortunately, not many people are searching Real Estate on Cortes Island.

I hope I didn’t bore you with numbers but when you love what you do for a living like I do, you’ll constantly try to find ways of improving and learning.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at 250-285-2141. I’m here to serve you better.

Roman Krzaczek


2- 620 Helanton Road, Quadra Island
What a pleasure to show this beautiful home! This is a listing I have just in Whiskey Point Estates. It's a custom built house that has everything you can imagine. It's located at the top of a hill as if it was a treehouse. You can enjoy your morning coffee on the patio and watch eagles fly above in the sky. Beautiful views of Campbell River and some areas of Quadra Island. This home is only 3 years old, so naturally it comes with a warranty. Photos don't do it's justice! It's probably one of the most beautiful homes on Quadra Island. It's a home for an artististic soul that needs tranquility. It's a must see!

Intro to Quadra Community

Dear Quadra community,

Being a new resident to this beautiful island I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.

In summer of 2019 I had the privilege to sail to Desolation Sound and Discovery Islands. Sailing has been a passion of mine for years and sailing through this breath taking part of BC turned out to be a life changing experience for me. Prior to coming here, I haven’t even had any idea where Quadra was. After that initial sailing trip, I kept returning until I finally moved here permanently in September 2020. The long days stuck in traffic didn’t appeal to me anymore, the hustle and bustle of Vancouver wasn’t making me happy anymore. I craved the peacefulness, nature and serenity this island offered. It is however not the place as much as the people that live here that caught my attention at first. I fell in love here and then very quickly fell in love with the Island as well.

Working as a Real Estate agent is another passion of mine. Getting into Real Estate proved to be the best and right choice for me and I highly treasure all the experiences I already gained. I became a home owner at a very young age, managed a flooring company, flipped houses and did various other jobs. None of them however provided me with a sense of fulfilment and excitement.
Real Estate is not at all about numbers or houses. It’s ALL about people and people’s lives. It’s about caring, open and honest communication and always doing the right thing. As Realtors we have a fiduciary duty to represent our clients, putting our client’s needs ahead of our own. Buying a home is a very emotional and stressful process and Real Estate in many cases is the biggest investment any person will do in their lifetime. I believe it is important to have someone in your corner that really cares and understands, someone competent and trustworthy.

As any changes in life, moving out here to a new territory comes with challenges. Covid has also brought many changes to our lives and we live in a different world now. I feel optimistic however that I will be able to contribute to this community in positive ways. My job can be very consuming but I absolutely love what I do and I am here to help in any way I can. Writing in the Discovery Islander is going to be my regular occurance and I look forward to sharing any information you may find interesting. 

Real Estate is my passion and I would love to share my knowledge and experiences with you.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out. My local number is 285-2141.


New property listed in Isl Quadra Island, Islands
I have listed a new property at 1378 Heriot Bay Rd.
WATER FRONT LIFESTYLE. Facing the beautiful Rebecca Spit Provincial Park, Quadra Island. This property offers you a dream that comes around very rarely. There have been no houses for sale in this area in many years. Spectacular views, close to stores, close to Cortes Island ferry in Heriot Bay. Bring your renovation ideas or just enjoy the outdoorsy lifestyle in the most beautiful area in the world. Kayaking, hiking, whale watching, fishing, biking, or just sitting on the beach and enjoying your coffee. The possibilities are endless. Great small town community. A DREAM COME TRUE for someone trying to get away from the busy city life to enjoy Nature.
Categories:   1378 heriot bay road | 2-620 Helanton Road, Quadra Island | 597greenroad | bank of canada | bc assessment | buyer agent | buyer market | buying real estate | calgary real estate | campbell river | campbell river homes for sale | Campbell River property | campbell river re | campbell river real estate | campbell river realtor | campbell river stats | Community Event | cortes island | cortes island real estate | cortes island realtor | CR Campbell River Central, Campbell River Real Estate | CR Willow Point, Campbell River Real Estate | december real estate | decor ideas | discovery islands | drew harbour | February stats | healthy homes | heriot bay | home for sale quadra island | homes for sale | house for sale | interest rates | Introduction to Quadra | Isl Cortes Island, Islands Real Estate | Isl Quadra Island, Islands Real Estate | Isl Small Islands (Campbell River Area), Islands Real Estate | january market stats | january stats | June Real Estate Stats | keller williams realty | keller williams realty vancentral | march statistics | Market Stats October 2023 | market update | meaning of colour | merry christmas | million dollar view | mortgage rates | new listing | NI Port Alice, North Island Real Estate | november real estate stats | november statistics | ocean front | ocean front property | ocean view property | October Statistics | PQ Nanoose, Parksville/Qualicum Real Estate | properties for sale campbell river | quadra island | Quadra Island homes for sale | quadra island re | quadra island real esta | quadra island real estate | quadra island realtor | quadra island realty | Quadra Island waterfront properties | quadra real estate | quadra realty | quadraisland | quadrarealty | | Quathiaski Cove Real Estate | radon | radon test | real estate | real estate campbell river | real estate for sale | Real Estate in Campbell River | real estate in november | Real Estate in October | real estate insights | real estate january stats | real estate market update | real estate newsletter | Real Estate on Cortes Island | Real Estate on Quadra Island | real estate quadra island | real estate statistics | realestate | realtor on quadra island | rebecca spit | residential tenancy act | roman krzaczek | roman krzaczek realtor | sell your home | september real estate stats | solar panels | sold | spring market in real estate | statistics | stats | stats for december 2023 | summer real estate | top realtor | value of my home | Vancouver Island homes
MLS® property information is provided under copyright© by the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board and Victoria Real Estate Board. The information is from sources deemed reliable, but should not be relied upon without independent verification.